Attestation of Translation
We value your time – we will deliver consistently great services to achieve customer satisfaction and your loyalty.
- What is “Attestation of Translation”?
- Unlike the notarized translation by an attorney that merely confirms that a translator has translated the document, the Attestation of Translation is a document recognized under the Licensed Administrative Agent Act, and is a certificate that proves that a certified public translator has signed and declared that they have translated it and the translation is the same as the original text.
- It can be submitted to administrative agencies, schools and public institutions, and you can save money, time and efforts from attorney notarization.
- At WiTHMUN INTERNATIONAL, the Attestations of Translation are issued by certified public translators who has a license authorized by the Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs.

When the Attestation of Translation issued by a certified public translator is submitted to the administrative agency, it is admitted that you legally fulfills your responsibility for translation, and the effectiveness of the translation can be recognized.
The Attestation of Translation can only be issued by a certified public translator pursuant to the Licensed Administrative Agent Act, so the translation with the Attestation attached has the reliability of the accuracy of the translation.
You can save money, time and efforts from attorney notarization.
- Licensed Administrative Agent Act (LAAA), Art. 2 (Scope of Services)
- (1) 3. Translating documents related to affairs of an administrative agency;
- (1) 4. Submitting documents prepared under subparagraphs 1 through 3 on behalf of any third person.
- LAAA, Art. 20 (Issuance of Attestation)
- A licensed administrative agent specializing in foreign language translation services may issue an attestation of translation for any document translated by them.
- LAAA, Art. 21(1) (Obligation and Liability of Licensed Administrative Agents)
- Every licensed administrative agent shall conscientiously perform affairs delegated to them.
- Enforcement Decree of LAAA, Art. 2 (Scope of Service)
- Translating documents to be submitted to an administrative agency;
- Submitting documents prepared or translated by a licensed administrative agent on behalf of any third party.
- LAAA, Art. 36(1) (Penal Provision)
- A person who provides licensed administrative agency services without a license shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not more than three years, or by a fine not exceeding thirty million won.